Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Beer List

Someone asked me recently to name my five all-time favorite beers. It's pretty easy, actually, so here's the list:

Guinness Stout
Draught only. The classic dry stout, and when served fresh, properly poured, and not too cold, it can not be matched.
My favorite pint is at Kehoe's in Dublin.

Anchor Steam
World class beer and an amazingly successful hybrid of ale and lager styles. Refreshing, drinkable, and a perfect balance between hops and malt. I have been drinking this beer since college and have made the pilgrimmage to the historic brewery in San Francisco at least a half dozen times.

Anchor Liberty Ale
Bitter, hoppy, and assertive. For a long time, it was at the top of my list, and finding it on tap is always a thrill. Last I know, it is still being served at The Ginger Man and The Kinsale Tavern in New York.

Sierra Nevada Bigfoot Ale
A big bad barleywine, and not for wimps. Very dense, but with tremendous flavor, almost fruity. Strongly alcoholic, too. Annual vintage arrives every Spring.

Fuller's ESB
The best English strong ale. Beautiful caramel malt flavor but not too sweet. Quite good in bottles and superb on draught, where you can find it. In London, I always gravitate to the Fuller or Sam Smith pubs.

Honorable Mention: Samuel Smith Taddy Porter, Sierra Nevada Tornado Ale, Hop Devil IPA, North Coast Eye of the Hawk, Anchor Porter, Goose Island IPA, Samuel Smith Imperial Stout.

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